Southwaste Disposal LLC

Saving Water, Protecting the Environment

Lift Station Maintenance and Repair

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Southwaste Plumbing Solutions

Expert Commercial Lift Station Solutions

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Expert technicians with decades of experience performing maintenance on and repairing lift stations.

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Specialized equipment, including crane trucks and multimeters, to service lift stations.

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Comprehensive preventative maintenance schedules tailored to each customer.

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24/7 emergency response.

You Call. Southwaste Responds.


If you own or manage a commercial property and didn’t realize it contained a lift station, you are not alone. We take calls all of the time from customers who say they didn’t know about their property’s lift station and are now experiencing an overflow. A lift station has the very important job of transporting raw sewage or wastewater from a lower point to a higher point. It features a rather simple design: pumps and motors (typically two), floats (or other level sensing mechanism), an electrical panel with associated controls, valving, and piping. 

A lift station is required when the city’s sanitary sewer main is located at a higher point than its sewer lines. Gravity is the driving force that empties your lines, but if the elevations of your space don’t allow enough fall to the city main, you will need a lift station to “lift” your sewage to the main. It’s out of sight and out of mind until things break down. And when they do… you’ll know very quickly. That’s where our technicians come in to keep your lift station working correctly and help you avoid raw sewage contamination and a potential shutdown.

At Southwaste, we offer preventative maintenance and emergency response services. If you know you have a lift station, we can set up a service cycle to monitor and maintain your lift station so you can avoid costly repairs and penalties. If you didn’t know you had one until it broke down or you simply have not invested in preventative maintenance yet, we offer 24/7 emergency response to resolve the issue and get you back up and running as quickly as possible. Give us a call today!

    Contact us to schedule a lift station
    consultation today.

    Why Is Southwaste Uniquely Qualified to Maintain My Lift Station?


    Southwaste has decades of experience monitoring and performing maintenance on lift stations for restaurants, convenience stores, and other commercial properties. We have experienced, trained technicians who know how lift stations work and understand the system as a whole. 

    In addition, we have specialized equipment; including crane trucks, multimeters, and A-Frames with winches; to assess and service your lift station when issues arise. Few companies have both the expertise and the equipment necessary to do the job properly and efficiently.

    Southwaste resolves any problems and prevents new ones from happening, so you can focus on business.

    Give us a call today to set up preventative maintenance service to keep your lift station performing properly.

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